Entering into any formal educational system requires consideration and although trade school is much less expensive than a university degree spending money on something which does not guarantee a high paying job. Before you shell out some cash for a trade school program, be sure it is something you are interested in. Without having an interest in the profession you will find it hard to maintain your career over the long term.
Going to trade school provides excellent career and income earning opportunities. Depending on the program can be as short as 8-24 months with an improved average income over those without post-secondary education with less financial risk over university education.
Trade school provides education for many service sectors such as construction trades, dental health and information technology. These sectors are valuable and necessary parts of society with a consistent demand for employees and business owners. This provides long term security for those who gain education and experience in their field.
Factors to consider before deciding on trade school
Before enrolling in a trade program there are several things to consider to improve your chances of success in any given program. Consider each of the following items before spending money on a program you may not either complete or want to continue once you have finished the coursework.
How Interests Affect Trade School Success
To have a successful career from education gained through trade school you need to be interested in the field. Without an interest in the field it will be difficult to maintain enthusiasm for the work and will retard progression in the job market. To maintain your advantage in the market you need to be constantly learning, gaining experience and developing new skills. To make this possible over the long haul you will need to have an interest in the topic.
Getting involved in a trade program solely because of the financial benefits will only take you so far. To excel in the profession you need to have an interest in the career. This interest should include what difference you can make for your employers, clients and community.
Your personality dictates to a high degree the success you will have in an industry. There are five big personality traits which have been identified which have a great effect on one’s personality. Everyone has varying amounts of each of these which makeup our personalities as a whole. Although there are most likely many others which have small effects on personality these five can provide good insight into your personality.
People who are high in extroversion love to be the center of attention. They are great at developing new relationships with others, are fun to be around and are energized by people.
If you are extroverted then trade school for careers in public facing industries is a good choice such as service industries like sales, repair or health services. Any career where you will be interfacing with the public benefits from having an extroverted personality.
Agreeableness is the willingness to put others first over one’s personal desires or needs. We all must have some tendency to agreeableness providing cooperation for the good of society.
A high amount of agreeableness is valuable in the service industry, providing benefits to others without consideration of your own personal needs. Personal care, health services or counseling careers have promise
The trait of openness is the ability to accept new ideas. This means that open people are interested in many topics, want to understand others’ perspectives and can challenge old beliefs.
Artists, entrepreneurs, inverters and entertainers are high in openness. Careers like graphic arts, website design and marketing can provide fulfilling careers if you are above the average in openness.
Being conscientious is considered a highly desirable trait in traditional business and society. People who are highly conscientious ensure that everything they do is done according to the rules. Forms are filled out correctly, work periods are adhered to and laws are followed.
Bookkeepers, tax preparers, carpenters and electricians need to have a high level of conscientiousness. Careers which require a high level of attention to detail and adherence to rules and regulations are good choices for anyone with this trait.
Neuroticism is a measure of emotional stability. People who rank high in neuroticism are emotionally unstable, prone to be easily upset and uncomfortable with themselves. They tend to evaluate themselves in negative terms and can lack confidence.
Neurotic traits can lead to a questioning attitude and it is through this attitude that new ideas and programs come from. Without having a level of neuroticism you will not consider that you are not perfect and can improve, therefore it is a valuable trait for self improvement. Those who are high in neuroticism tend to enjoy careers in creative pursuits which can be done alone or one-on-one.
Financial considerations
When considering financial considerations keep in mind both the immediate costs you will incur for enrolling in the school but also the potential financial rewards of working in the industry. A low enrollment cost for a program may provide an easy entrance into the market but if the potential rewards are low it will be harder to justify the upfront cost.
Many trade programs qualify for student loans which can enable students to access training. This option is good for programs which provide an adequate financial return to be able to maintain a good standard of living while concurrently servicing the loan.
Before enrolling determine the average income of others in the industry, consider that for the first few years in the industry you will be making substantially less than the average until you gain some experience and a reputation.
Time factors
Time is an important consideration which can alter which program to choose. Some programs require as little as 4-8 months to complete. These programs are obviously of lesser value in the market. Others can take up to 4-6 years to complete which are more technical and have a higher value in the market.
Some programs are progressive which require a learning period to teach theory and principles followed by a number of hours working as an apprentice. These allow you to become active in the industry quickly and start earning income fairly quickly interrupted by short periods of schooling.
Look closely at the amount of time it can take to begin earning an income which is capable of supporting you and your family. This needs to be discussed with anyone who will be affected by your decision as during this time you will need support.
4 Benefits of technology training to consider
Faster route to employment than university
Trade school programs are designed to provide the student with usable skills in a short period of time. They provide practical skills which employers are looking for. They are substantially more market driven than university programs which are slow to change.
Cheaper than university
The cost of going to trade school can be as much as ¼ of that of university. This is due to the lower yearly cost of trade school programs but also because trade school programs are often shorter than university.
Another factor is the time to earn in a field. Trade programs are designed to teach practical skills which are needed by employers quickly, university programs tend to be of little value until the program is completed successfully (which only 60% of students do). This not only delays the income earning capabilities but also renders some students with no usable knowledge after 2-3 years of study.
High earning potential
Although not all trade school programs are highly paid, some such as IT, health training, dental hygiene and some construction trades are high paying. Trade school programs can be progressive providing the student with opportunities to increase their earning potential by continuing to increase their knowledge with additional schooling, gaining experience or developing their own businesses.
Focused training
Trade school provides students with the skills and knowledge they need for the career they have chosen without a lot of other knowledge. They assume that if a student enrolls in a program to become a carpenter they don’t need to know how to write an essay or debate the ethics of human activities.
Students who are interested in such topics are free to take such courses but it is out of the purview of the school to decide what students should be interested in outside of the specific topic they need to become employable.
Therefore a carpentry student will learn carpentry, an IT student will learn about information technology and a hair stylist will learn how to cut hair. Anything outside of the skills and knowledge they need to complete the program they will have to learn on their own.
4 Drawbacks of technology training to consider
Limited job opportunities
Enrolling in a trade program commits the student to a specific job market with little wiggle room. The training is very specific to the needs of the market for the particular job. Training to become a carpenter does not lead to a career in mechanics or bookkeeping so before deciding on a program be sure you are committed to it for a number of years.
Cyclical or seasonal employment
Many trades have a seasonal demand to them. Construction trades tend to be busier in the spring and summer months, bookkeepers and tax preparers will be busy during tax season but have little to do at other times. If you need a consistent income then choose a program which is affected less by seasonality.
Careers which have a cyclical demand may not follow a calendar but rather may follow other market factors of demand. Construction is an industry which is affected not only by seasonality but also by interest rates, demographic trends and consumer demand. Other trades which are affected by cyclical factors are mechanics, health care and hospitality.
Physical work
Although not all trade school programs require physical work, most have some element of it. Construction trades are obviously physical careers but so is hairdressing, dental hygiene and even IT has some element of physical work. This increases the chances of becoming unable to perform the job due to injury, age or sickness. All of which are to some degree not under your control.
Lower chances of advancement
Being a well trained and experienced tradesmen only takes you so far. Once you have reached a senior level it is difficult to move into management without additional training and schooling which can be difficult to get. Without a university degree some positions will remain out of reach for many.